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Crassula Baby Jade Succulent Spotlight

Crassula Baby Jade

Crassula Baby Jade

The Crassula Baby Jade, officially known as the Crassula ovata arborescens, is one of my favorite succulents.  It's like the classic Jade plant, but with tinier, cuter leaves.

If you prefer silver dollar pancakes over regular sized pancakes, kittens over cats, puppies over dogs - the Baby Jade just might be the succulent you need.  

The glossy, waxy, rounded leaves, with fire red margins... I mean... what's not to love?

Like most Crassula, this plant does exceptionally well indoors, preferably near a windowsill.  It also does well outdoors year-round, but you'll need to live in an area that's between Plant Hardiness Zone 9-11. 

If temperatures drop under 40 degrees F in the colder months, it might be best to plant them in pots that can be transported indoors. These are not frost tolerant plants, as they hold their water reserves in their plump fleshy leaves and wood like stems.  

Sunlight is important, especially if you want the foliage to have that bright fire-red pop on the margins.  In their ideal world, they would get full sun in the morning for about 6 hours, and shade the rest of the day. 

They are very forgiving succulents - dealing with neglect, no water, and full sun with such grace and elegance.  

If you provide the right conditions for them, they will bloom the tiniest, star-shaped white flowers in the spring and summer months.  A trick to encouraging blooms is properly fertilizing and watering them in the summer.

At it's largest and most mature size, it can grow to about 2 feet tall and branch / sprawl about 2 feet wide.  They grow into this branched mound looking shrub.  I have also seen people trim these like a bonsai tree and make some epic-looking designs with them.    

They play well with succulents, and act as a great filler in mixed succulent arrangements.  

We currently sell these in a 2-inch size, and you will normally find these in our assorted succulent cuttings packs.

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