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Fuss Free Succulent Propagation

Fuss-Free Succulent Propagation

Succulent Propagation Fuss Free Steps

You're here because you are looking for some fuss-free propagation tips.  

I am gonna guess you:

  • ...want to grow your garden from succulents you already have and love
  • ...went on a jog and "happened" to pass by that house with all those succulents... one thing led to another... and you found yourself with a pocket full of cuttings
  • ...just ordered some cuttings online
  • ...are dealing with etoliation (stretching), dying plant, or overgrown succulent

Propagation is the answer to all of these.

Learn how it's done in 5 easy steps.

Step 1: How to take a rosette cutting

If you already have a rosette head or want to focus on propagating from leaves, move on to step two.

However, if you have a healthy and strong-stemmed succulent, begin by taking off the head to create a rosette succulent cutting.

Beheading may seem a bit dramatic, but it is the easiest way to propagate a strong and fleshy succulent.

To take the cutting, use a sharp set of scissors to cut off (ideally) a 2 - 3 inch section.

It will also be fine if you can't get much of the stem. 

Voila … this is your cutting!

Step 2: How to take a leaf cutting

It is quite easy to propagate from individual leaves.

This can be done with any part of the succulent or from the rosette head itself.

All you have to do is hold the leaf close to the stem, gently twist and pull, and you have a new cutting!

The main goal here is a clean break: taking the entirety of the leaf and leaving nothing behind on the stem.

This will provide the best opportunity for future success and growth.

Step 3: Cultivating your new cutting

It is absolutely necessary that the cutting (taken from either method) has time to dry out.

Lay the various cuttings in a shallow dish and place in shady place with no direct sunlight.

Pretend like they don’t exist for 4 - 7 days - No watering, no soil, just plain old neglect.

Once your cuttings look dry and calloused they are ready to move to soil.

Letting them appear to scab over is a crucial step, as it will prevent over-watering in the coming weeks.

Note that rosette cuttings will require a longer period of time to dry out in comparison to the leaf cuttings.

Step 4: Arrange

The process for a rosette cutting and a leaf cutting slightly differ.

A rosette head should be planted with the cut stem planted in the soil.

Leaf cuttings should be placed in a shallow dish on top of fast-draining cacti/succulent soil.

Use only fresh and moist soil.

Do not water them or soak them!

Place them in a shady spot with no direct sunlight.

Neglect for a 2-5 weeks or until you notice roots. 

Within this phase, little pink roots will begin sprouting from your cutting.

Yay! Visible progress at last.

Succulent leaf with roots

Step 5: Tend to the new growth

After seven weeks or so, (we know it’s long – but we promise it’s worth it) adorable little succulent pups will grow.

The original cutting, or parent leaf, will begin to look shriveled and sad.

Don’t be alarmed. They are simply providing their nutrients to the new growth and should be removed once they die on their own.

Final side-note! Don’t toss the stem!

If you’ve taken all cuttings and growth off of a succulent, leaving only the stem remaining, don’t toss it because new babies can grow from it once again.

Simply cut the stem until it is an inch above the soil, follow regular watering rules, and it should begin again!

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