Crinkle Leaf - Adromischus cristatus - 2 inch
Our Crinkle Leaf succulent is a green rosette with chunky triangular leaves and curly shaped margins. In the middle of Spring, it usually has a tall green colored bloom. You can remove the bloom or leave it. If you remove it early enough, the energy it was going to put towards the bloom will instead go towards making the Crinkle Leaf succulent bigger.
- Shipped in their nursery pots
- Our 2 inch Crinkle Leaf's are rooted in a 2 inch nursery pot, but the actual plant will vary in size, from just under ~1.5 to 2 inches max wide.
- Loves early morning sunlight, and afternoon shade.
- Hardiness: Zone 9, 10
- Packs of 2 and 4