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Outdoor Succulent Care

Helpful Tips

  • Succulents thrive outside with the proper care.
  • Colorful succulents do best outdoors; The sun does wonders for these plants.
  • Make sure you choose succulents based on your outdoor climate. Water once a week, or when the soil is completely dry; Whichever happens first.

Spring and Summer

  • Choose a location that will provide morning sunlight, and protect succulents from the mid-summer hot sun.
  • Prep the landscape for good drainage with the Right Soil.
  • To ensure bright, new growth, fertilize your succulent regularly when plants are growing outside in hot and bright conditions.

Winter and Fall

  • Winter is, for the most part, a succulent’s dormant period.
  • Succulents should be covered during long periods of snowfall and rainfall.
  • Or you can always move them inside and follow our Indoor Care Guide.
  • Colorful succulents will turn likely green or lose some of its color when moved indoors, due to the lack of sunlight they receive.

Cold, Freezing Weather?

  • As long as your succulents are kept dry, most succulents will be fine. If it’s wet and cold, and you can’t bring them inside your home, that can be problematic.
  • During winter months, water them once a month, or when they look shriveled or stressed for moisture. Make sure temperatures are above 40-F at night when you water.
  • Succulents do better in the cold when they are planted in the ground. They don’t do as well in a pot, but you can always bring the pots in.
  • Protect outdoor succulents from excessive rain (The Right Soil will work) and frost (Cover your succulents with a Frost Cloth)


Re-pot cacti and succulents if you are going to provide the necessary outdoor heat and light for them. This allows the plant to grow faster, and develop a substantial root system. The larger pots work better than smaller ones outdoors for various reasons. A larger pot holds more moisture and nutrients than a smaller pot will. Plants in smaller pots get their moisture and nutrients depleted with high heat and light, and are more susceptible to discoloration and scorching.

  • The best time to re-pot succulents is the Spring and Summer months. These months provide adequate warmth and light for proper root development.
  • Winter would be the worst time to re-pot succulents.
  • Always use moist soil and do not water newly transplanted plants for 1-2 weeks.

Important Repot Tip

The best time to re-pot succulents is the Spring and Summer months. These months provide adequate warmth and light for proper root development. Winter would be the worst time to do this. Always use moist soil and do not water newly transplanted plants for 1-2 weeks.