Directly from the nursery
Directly from the nursery
Our Echeveria Perle von Nurnberg is hands down one of the most popular rosettes we sell. The pale gray and purple add a perfect pop of color to any decor piece for a wedding, and is traditionally the focal point in bouquets and centerpieces. The leaves are covered in pruinose, the powdery coating that gives it a soft color. Do not remove this protective coating.
These love morning sunlight and afternoon shade to keep their color. In the Spring and Summer months, you can expect these to produce offsets (baby plants) and lovely blooms. The production of offsets make this hen and chicks, like most Echeveria.
The color differences between a 2 inch and 4 inch Perle von Nurnberg are quite obvious. As a young 2 inch, the color tend to be a little more pale gray and the rosette shape is a little loose. As it matures, the leaves turn a profound, richer purple color, and the rosette matures into a tighter, more compact shape.